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After being a student at Masters for the past two years I feel like I have ultimately been lied to on a massive scale. When I was applying to schools I decided on Masters because it seemed to have the best community out of all of the other schools I visited. Now that I am currently a student, I realize that this is ultimately a lie perpetuated by the facade that the students and faculty learn to put on. In reality, the social circles at Masters are separated into many groups, such as the arts nerds, stoners, Asians, rich kids (who are also stoners),  and most obviously the separation between the boarding students and day students. These groups are very rigid and static and don't move much, the one thing that unites these groups of students happens to be a collective hatred of the administration from the student body. In recent years the administration has instituted a massive amount of change to the school in almost all areas. From the perspective of an arts student, the entire theater program has undergone huge changes and both the technical director (who has worked at the school for one and a half years) and the main director have both left the department of performing arts and students are awaiting replacements.
